

我獨倚在旖旎的風景中,把前世今生的輪回細數,淡淡的思緒在蛙鳴蟬吟的季節裏繚繞,一池蓮花在皎潔的月光照射下格外嬌嫩。曾以為相見止於夢鄉,相思不再綿長,相愛已是歲月的過往。從未想過你的無情、你的冷落,原來是偽裝。為什麼不敢承認?為什麼不敢坦白?為什麼幻成夢想?真愛無需遮擋,即使是天涯海角,只要心往一處想就足夠。 自從紅塵再次相遇,因為種種原因你我三十年的恩恩怨怨來不及回味,來不及Maggie Beauty再續,來不及激情迸發就不歡而散。我以為是我一世單想,所以,所有的痛苦我一個人包攬。一年來,我不知道是怎麼熬過來的,只覺得在漫長的等待中,思念已成殤,痛苦已深入骨髓,淚水已流盡,心也如止水。夜深人靜時,我常常問自己,今生誰與共?一懷愁緒又與誰語?知音難覓,知已難找,癡情卻被無情惱。此情無計可消除,才下眉頭,卻上心頭。這就是三十年來,不!是三十一年,你不敢面對真愛給我造成的無極痛苦。 你為什麼不早點向我坦白?或者在一年前坦白,或者永遠不要坦白。這樣,我或許不至於到了崩潰的邊緣。你知道嗎?在經年的等待中,我凝望著有你的城市,固守寸心,無論孤單和寂寞怎麼地折磨我,我依然念你如初,想你如昨。沉沉的歲月賦予我的只有累累傷痕,我不知道這樣等下去值不值得,也不知道等到何年何月,總之,我一直堅信有朝一日一定能等到你,可一等就是三十年,三十年一聚匆匆,一言未發,一絲未續又勞燕分飛。留下的是無數個問號和劇烈地疼痛。 歲月的沉澱,洗不盡一世鉛華,滌不盡一世相思,當不盡一世哀愁。你無言的躊躇,依然腐蝕不了去年再遇的情愫。一年來,千百度的想念隨季節飄舞,隨墨香紛飛,最終凝成盪氣迴腸的絕世哀歌。 一年來,淩亂的日子裏,我不斷地梳理著自己,不再有夢的祈求,不再有愛Maggie Beauty的渴求,不再有情的奢求。既然愛不能保留,那就只有放手,放不下也得放下。曾經,我的渴盼和牽掛蔓延到海角天涯,在那,憧憬著一切美好,可光陰斑駁了我所有傾心地追求,最終只能把往事再次定格。 一年來,你無聲無息,我不知道你我是否還會相遇,只知道心中失去了所有欲望。無欲無望的我不敢觸及心靈的最深處,因為那裏收藏著你的一切,你知道嗎?我是多麼想永遠地保留啊!可如今,保留這一切已沒有任何意義,但想丟棄談何容易?日思夜想,我還得強忍著一點一點地去放棄、去丟棄,儘管是疼痛至極。我不知道要放棄到何年,也不知道要丟棄到何月,總之,直到把你從我的世界裏,從我的心靈最深處趕盡殺絕為止。 曾經,我的心中有一片森林枝繁葉茂,可是沒有飛禽走獸嬉鬧;曾經,我的心中有一座花園燦爛芬芳,可是沒有蜜蜂蝴蝶登場;曾經,我的心中有一條愛河川流不息,可是沒有一葉扁舟劃過;曾經,我的心中有一腔柔情熊熊燃燒,可是沒有誰能把它滅掉,這些空白誰能填補?唯有你能!可你來得太遲太遲,讓我痛得愛不起也傷不起。 曾想,若紅塵似水,我一生願為你泅溺;曾想,如果今生註定天涯海角,我的靈魂永遠為你固守;曾想,如果你愛我,我的心願為你盛開一世妖嬈,可比那一池幽蓮的聖潔…… 流年暗轉,北雁南飛,孤鴻哀鳴,如今,森林已剩光禿禿的樹幹,花園只有maggie beauty枯枝黃葉和一息殘香,愛河已乾涸枯竭成白色的晶體,柔情在經年的等待中化為灰燼,心田一片荒蕪。我拿什麼去愛你,我不敢想像,可是你這份遲來的愛讓我無路可逃,痛也無處不在。 你我走在季節賦予的綠蔭叢中,一直沉默著。只有綠葉的沙沙聲和偶爾的蟬鳴聲掠過耳邊,我知道是我太任性、太倔強才弄成今天這樣的結局,我無話可說,只有那些千絲萬縷的糾結和疼痛,在心中不時地敲擊著我,我只能強忍不能制止。即使有話可說,也無從說起,畢竟三十一年,三十一年哪!就這樣我們沉默了很長時間,好像誰也不想打破僵局。或許你的心境比我還要糟吧?但,最終是你問我過得怎麼樣,我只能說很好,接著又是沉默……



活在這個世上,被人需要,是最極致的幸福!記得這麼一句話:如果有一天,你走進我的心裏,你會哭,因為裏面全是你;如果有一天,我走進你的心裏,我也會哭,因為那裏沒有我。這個世上,沒有一條路是重複的,也沒有一個瞬間還能再重複,所以,某年某月某些時日,某些人,會永遠的成為注目的方向。不想自怨自艾,只願給自己留一方澄澈如水的天空,放飛著自己潔白的夢境。一份愛能有多傷,它就有多美。一段情能有多痛,它就有多快樂。一份等待有多長,思念就有多長。只是,再深的愛也要經得住平淡的流年。即使紅顏老,相思瘦,一切物是人非,那份愛依然美麗芬芳。輾轉萬千風景,我始終相信,有些傷痛是無法泯滅的,有些記憶是無法消退的,有些人是無法釋懷的。即便此刻我坐在這裏想你,又或者有一天你離我而去,我都會帶著這份你覺得不太現實的愛和回憶在你的世界裏生根,因為,你知道,我是這樣的愛過你。此生,若你安好,便是晴天。愛從來不是清淺的,那裏面有成全,有忍耐,有付出,有等待,愛是初次遇見砰然心動,是百轉千回依舊掛念,是顛沛流離時還在身邊,愛是一個諾言,也是一場盛宴。 明月皎皎,星兒閃爍。月兒,散盡清輝陪我的孤獨。星兒,在月兒的守護下眨著眼快樂地訴說柔情幾許。這一生,再不求朝朝暮暮,長相廝守。只希望星月同輝,共醉紅塵,便是幸福。一段段相戀,或許就似一杯杯醇酒,在歡樂中飲過,在幸福裏發酵,最真最濃的時候,陶醉了心靈,也麻醉了神經。走在深夜無人的街道,唯有跫然的足音響徹於空氣中,聲聲輕叩著寂寞。月兒朗朗照在身上,乾淨而潔白,放慢回家的腳步努力想要感受一些溫暖,只是圓月的光輝遮不住心中的淒涼,淚水出賣了脆弱。喜歡默念唯美的句子,喜歡這樣淡到極致的頹靡。僅是這些字,就看得人滿眼滿心的荒蕪和寂寞。我不是一個善於表達情感和思想的人,也不會就著滿紙絮語堆砌文字。只是用最美的文字,明媚著我的憂傷,婉轉著風華如水般清澈。也只有文字能排遣心中最大的迷茫和洪荒攬鏡自照。 走得最急的是最美的景色,傷得最深的是最真的感情。用乾淨的聲音,哼唱著心底最真實的旋律,感受那埋藏的柔情。我以為愛情可以填滿人生的遺憾,然而,製造更多遺憾的,卻偏偏是愛情。陰晴圓缺,在一段愛情中不斷重演。有人說:忘卻是一場放生。我身同感受,但也有副作用。就如列寧的感言,忘卻過去是背叛過去。忘卻是一場背叛過去的放生,於是我對過去的記憶愈加刻骨銘心。愛有時候是對人性的最大考驗。然而我在這場考驗中落荒而逃。長大了的我們,有了太多的心傷與眼淚。無意中,看到了這樣一句話。“把微笑留給傷害你最深的人”細細讀後深深思考,才明白那是多麼堅持而又灑脫的人生道理。而我也明白,這其中是要經歷多少愛與恨的交織,才深刻感悟出這句話。仔細想一下,世間最傷人的莫過於是情了。那男人和女人之間,從一見鍾情到兩情相悅,再到彼此間的心靈呼喚,也許,要走很長一段路。然而,從一切的不設防,到身心都純真地獻給對方,那萬般的柔情,振撼心靈。 記憶,註定會被流水湮沒。窗外,是大朵大朵的時光,在耀目著走遠。窗內,是一份悵然若失臨風而立的落寞。細數鬢邊每一朵年華,暮然驚覺,時光就這樣在無言的靜寂中逝去。刹那間,心,盤根錯節,蔓草叢生。但我始終知道,懂得,仍是一份不變的存在。因為我相信,所以,你來與不來,在與不在,都不再重要。這個時候,我們都想起那美麗的夢境,待等到醒來,就消失無蹤了。那深深的餘味,惹得你延續著沉醉,不想清醒,傷過心靈之後,其實,早已走遠了。風吹起了憂傷的顏色,初冬的夜竟能清楚地聽聞到那聲深重的歎息,一場絕美的相遇,一場無悔的愛戀,換一場悲涼的告別,是誰的錯?一場煙花醉,瘦了紅顏,淡了流年。庭院深深鎖不住孤寂,冰冷的城池裏荒涼而空洞,情海茫茫覓不到那靈犀的一瞬,淚空流,散落滿地的傷。推開一扇叫歲月的門,許多美好的夢想和回憶終究被漸次的擱淺。而你,永遠是窗上的光影,遊走在夢與現實的邊緣。 因為太美,因為刻骨,所以留戀。若我能讓自己定格在那美好溫情的回憶中,那五月的天空必定會變得乾淨而純粹。任季節去了又回,我仍在等你,續寫回憶。一遍遍翻閱著過往的溫柔,觸摸著照片中溫暖的笑容,曾親手寫意的那些美麗畫面仍是如此鮮活而靈動,終是想忘不能忘。在每一個熟悉的場景裏尋找著熟悉的身影,熟悉的風景,徘徊的路口,小雨飄然的日子,風雨中的佇立,月朗星稀的夜空,柔腸百轉的歌聲,原來,那個身影無處不在。原來,愛一直不曾遠離。當那份無言的掛記和依託,化作一個細小的感動,化作心頭豐盈的充實,滾滾紅塵,誰又是誰生命中的看客或過客?

Light autumn time silhouette

Poem a song: the fallen petal on the maple, tow days, autumn people make. Chardonnay to this year seems endless, geese fly to send shade with heart. Writes a phase WenChen brigade, looking up to heaven Jiang Kong. Difficult to move by road and month zhao jun also su. When put pen to paper with full diameter, leaves trouble place tree lost its like the wind, providence lane person is not touched. Own autumn light straw colour, autumn window has been rain, autumn feeling to the green, the autumn dream even before night lamp guttering of a candle. Of depression is like wind, the wind light into Dr Maxsasha vujacic will wire netting drag with mind, day hiss hiss in mind, the folding of the yan have a ride in the day of the wind light cloud light will really clear. When feeling a bit between providence in a landscape hardships, doomed, swaying in the wind, back and forth that has consciously fang has been to, need not disappointed in the spring. The autumn passed; Growth is sincere hoping to impress with the thoughts and emotions will really you and me, a lot of people to alternately in one thousand from the burning hot, the mood has not lost a pure heart, on the road waiting for you to give the company of each other. This world who will believe the oath, I think so. Look at the lights, the beauty of the night, the light is not on the cross with you, I believe that the other side through the darkness, where is your warm smile. Chu river above the feelings of the tides in my mind, filled up with beautiful, in the stars and in my view, look up at the brilliance of life, don't know there was a time to hide the other side of the boat, to escape Dr Maxthe practice with the boat. When near the guide light before, after how many dangerous shoals, difficult much forefront. What day just know should escape is guanghua dazzling light flow, dodge is involved in the halo of life. If I had all the in imperceptible in burning into ashes, but will be glorious in the heart, as the dust near fall mo with calm no waves. At the time of the most beautiful, The Times were blossoming golden, which were full of sunshine in the knot to make Buddha language of crossing between, as if coming from five hundred years of the road, always met, how to thousand accidents, so the complex watched yesterday with the touch of the old one. Soften the heart, don't feel heart brow that meet. To meet to thanked once against. How much melancholy had already left, the fall of scattered on the ground just four seasons samsara, is a fragrant flowers fallen petal again in the dust, dust told silently all through the world, only when you transfer at the luster dust had a heart as you sing in the non-stop, dribs and drabs are in my life the most sincere poetry. Wood "shan xi wood have branches heart yue jun xi jun does not know" often listen to it but I didn't understand. Maybe see look back too much, everything will wake up like a dream. Towards gently sings a "now evening what evening, any sooner or later today. Read that poem to music: alternative autumn candle, hate the sky, the wind effect. Surprised that dream window to spare flaring, pulse with straw colour flower rain. The cold of the qu yuan porch window. SHH remote smoke's alone. Find fang you then close to the heart, far township hang murmurs. The beauty of autumn river, clear in the natural feeling, not the tide and long, like a river so beautiful today, and very clear and bright sky, month... Sense the "jiang tianyi color does not have, beautiful, a total of sea moon tide health at this point do not hear each other, China is willing to monthly flow zhao jun". Only heart situation resonance blend "month ManJiangShu", beloved remarks by month to the door. The bright moon, passed through a few rays of dark fragrant, appearing somewhat roasted static drunkenly, quiet night such as water, the vast, like the world of mortals the depths of the soul, will think dark eyebrow afterDr Max leave also. Between the long lean invalidism Zhu Xiaoyue jiao attack, fuzzy empty caves, float in the line of sight is full of loneliness would like to know from the sorrow. Each New Year water, aromatic HuanQing eventually thin, spring city of the sky, light fall free element in concentrating the cross of life. The world's unique life, will not be eternal, eternal Yu Tianya. Life is like a long road, and a thin horses in the world, the boundless tianya long mountain water rich, to the setting sun, as beautiful and tender, find out a think brigade is waiting for you at the front end, a century of waiting for the dip in given time, such as running water years, virtual lovers, just fate too crisscross, silently to recall from the bottom of the surface of the vicissitudes of life. Light autumn time silhouette, perhaps pick light soft, this autumn rustled, whereas the light fragrant, natural flavor fully the days between tidal all pain. Life is always in a quiet heavy huan between hang smile on your face. Life is too in a hurry, had a very full life, so many stories that I aftertaste, no matter happy sad end just passing by, passing a crossroads in life, the life of the fit between your a read only, fortunately, will not too late, it is good to understand...